homo|homos in English


[ho·mo || 'həʊməʊ]

person who practices homosexuality; (Slang) homosexual (offensive)

Use "homo|homos" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "homo|homos" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "homo|homos", or refer to the context using the word "homo|homos" in the English Dictionary.

1. Opponi autem Affirmationem negationi dico contradictorie quae uniuersale significat eidem quoniam non uniuersaliter, ut 'omnis homo albus est', 'non omnis homo albus est', 'nullus homo albus est', 'quidam homo albus est'; contrarie uero uniuersalem Affirmationem et uniuersalem negationem, ut 'omnis homo iustus est', 'nullus homo iustus est

2. Opponi autem Affirmationem negationi dico contradictorie quae universal[iter] significat eidem quoniam non universaliter, ut 'omnis homo albus est', 'non omnis homo albus est', 'nullus homo albus est', 'quidam homo albus est'; contrarie vero universalem Affirmationem et universalem negationem, ut 'omnis homo iustus est', 'nullus homo iustus est

3. I'm not a homo.

4. Until now, fossils dated to 9million years ago - and mostly attributed to Homo habilis and Homo rudolfensis - have been undisputed considered ancestral to Homo erectus.

5. Admix /custom Homo 160rs88-ss #16555

6. Acheulean industry, Acheulean also spelled Acheulian, first standardized tradition of toolmaking of Homo erectus and early Homo sapiens

7. The " Homo studiosus " -- the studying man.

8. 29:01 Homo Barebacking Party nubiles

9. He " s just a homeless homo.

10. There is also dispute concerning many overlapping species, for example, the overlap between Homo habilis and Homo erectus .

11. Marvel Comics interpretation of the Atlanteans, Homo mermanus

12. The fossils were reappraised as representing an archaic form of Homo sapiens or perhaps a population of Homo sapiens that had interbred with Neanderthals.

13. Scenario type 1: The new dark age – Homo Apocalypticus

14. La maljuna aĝo alportas Ambiguajn donacojn por la homo

15. Acheulean tools are typically found with Homo erectus remains

16. In a car like this, you might have turned homo.

17. He may be a homo but you're off the wall.

18. Suddenly humans show up, Homo erectus, big old melon head.

19. “Is only man, Homo sapiens, capable of communicating by language?

20. Anthropoidal nonhuman apelike Antonyms human unmanly Homo sapiens neanderthalensis pes 3

21. Archeological finds in the Olduvai Gorge include stone tools, and skeletal remains of Homo Habilis and Homo Erectus, as well as bones of, now extinct, wild animals.

22. Those early humans were probably Homo habilis, which means "handy man."

23. The work El arte de la risa (The Art of Laughter) notes that in modern society it seems that “Homo sapiens [mankind] has been replaced by Homo digitalis.”

24. Says one medical dictionary: “LYCANTHROPY . . . from [lyʹkos], lupus, wolf; [anʹthro·pos], homo, man.

25. And the general impression is that maybe Homo sapiens just lost it.